FAQ: Cloudyn Data Refresh Timelines
cloudyn data refresh timelines: initial: it can take 24 hours see cost data in cloudyn after setup. can take 10 days cloudyn to collect enough data to display sizing recommendations. daily: 10th end of each month, cloudyn should show data date previous day after utc+3 next day. monthly: 1st 10th of each month, cloudyn may not show the finalized data end of previous month. in general: please wait 72 hours data to propagate azure cloudyn before reporting a delay. details: default, cloudyn processes data previous day once full data previous day available. so, previous day's data available in cloudyn utc+3 each day, although data (like tags) can take addition 24 hours reprocess after new data reaches cloudyn. also, @ beginning of every month, when providers finalize billing previous month, data current month not available collection cloudyn. can take between 5 10 days @ start of each month previous month's dat...