Task: Invocation of interface 'Configure' of role 'Cloud\Fabric\WAS' failed:
hello team azure stack,
please looking below error , suggest fails on step : 60.140.142
response uri: intentionally kept empty
invoke-eceaction : 1> 1> task: invocation of interface 'configure' of role 'cloud\fabric\was' failed:
function 'was:configure' in module 'classes\was\was.psm1' raised exception:
error during storage initialization: error occurred while trying make api call microsoft storage service: {"message":"microsoft.azure.resourceprovider.common.exceptions.resourceproviderexception: request unauthorized because client certificate
thumbprint '403aae880db78d7b11db7e043966a88a5f928de7' not authorized.\r\n @ microsoft.azure.resourceprovider.authorization.certificaterequestauthorizationhandler.validaterequestisauthorized(httprequestmessage requestmessage)\r\n at
additional details: {
"method": "put",
"responseuri": "",
"statuscode": 401,
"statusdescription": "unauthorized",
"isfromcache": false,
"lastmodified": "\/date(1488697762528)\/"
system.invalidoperationexception: error occurred while trying make api call microsoft storage service: {"message":"microsoft.azure.resourceprovider.common.exceptions.resourceproviderexception: request unauthorized because client certificate
thumbprint '403aae880db78d7b11db7e043966a88a5f928de7' not authorized.\r\n @ microsoft.azure.resourceprovider.authorization.certificaterequestauthorizationhandler.validaterequestisauthorized(httprequestmessage requestmessage)\r\n at
additional details: {
"method": "put",
"responseuri": ""
"statuscode": 401,
"statusdescription": "unauthorized",
"isfromcache": false,
"lastmodified": "\/date(1488697762528)\/"
more info can found on machine 'mas-was01' in log file 'c:\programdata\microsoft\azurestack\logs\initialize-wasstorageadmin_20170304-230908.txt'.
@ <scriptblock><trap>, <no file>: line 29
@ <scriptblock>, <no file>: line 103 - 3/4/2017 11:09:22 pm
deployment errors around “invocation of step 60.140” indicate issue with acs (azure consistent storage).
before redeploying using -rerun parameter you’re going want restart infra vms:
- go administrative tools \ failover cluster manager \ s-cluster \ roles
- right click mas-acs01 \ more actions \ reset
- right click mas-xrp01 vm \ more actions \ reset
- allow 5 minutes services start before redeploying using -rerun parameter
note: make sure running deployment under azurestack\azurestackadmin account.
cd c:\clouddeployment\setup
.\installazurestackpoc.ps1 -rerun
if fails same error it possible network issue may cause fail.
is ad or adfs enabled deployment?
can run following script , paste results tread?
############################ test-pocnet.ps1 begin ###############################
### downloads , imports azurerm module 1.2.8 if not installed
set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force
get-module -listavailable | where-object ($_.name -like “azure*”) | uninstall-module
set-psrepository -name "psgallery" -installationpolicy trusted
$azuremodule = "c:\program files\windowspowershell\modules\azurerm\1.2.8\azurerm.psd1"
if (test-path $azuremodule){
import-module $azuremodule -global
} else {
install-module -name azurerm -requiredversion 1.2.8
install-module -name azurerm -requiredversion 1.2.8 -erroraction silentlycontinue
$netvms = @("mas-bgpnat01","mas-dc01","mas-was01")
$allvms = @("macs-acs01","mas-adfs01","mas-asql01","mas-bgpnat01","mas-ca01","mas-con01","mas-dc01","mas-gwy01","mas-nc01", "mas-slb01", "mas-sus01", "mas-was01", "mas-xrp01")
### gets time , date vms
invoke-command -computername $allvms -scriptblock {get-date}
### runs network tests login.windows.net on 443 "mas-bgpnat01","mas-dc01","mas-was01"
invoke-command -computername $netvms -scriptblock {tnc login.windows.net -port 443}
### test dns on mas-bgpnat , local host
invoke-command -computername mas-bgpnat01 -scriptblock {ipconfig /displaydns}
ipconfig /displaydns
### gets ip info of mas-bgpnat , local host
invoke-command -computername mas-bgpnat01 -scriptblock {ipconfig}
############################ test-pocnet.ps1 end #################################
we apologize inconvenience , appreciate time , interest in azure stack.
gary gallanes
Microsoft Azure , Development > Azure Stack
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