Implementing an Existing COM Interface in Managed Code which RETURNS an Array of COM Structures

i'm trying evolve com .net replacing com implementations of com interfaces .net implementations of same interfaces , i'm struck.  have no problem arrays of com structures built in com programs , passed .net.  when com program uses com inteface implemented c# .ne , expects array of given structure returned, doesn't work...  there hundreds of methods , many dozens of structures

here simple com structure definition idl:

 typedef [uuid(ee3337e6-14f7-469b-be9f-8d45fa43f4ed)]
 struct eatemplate_act
  long templateid;
  bstr templatename;
 } eatemplate_act;

here com interface definition:

library eadimensionlib

 //  forward declarations
    //  ====================
  interface ieadimensionac;
//  ieadimensionac - 
//  ==========================================

     interface ieadimensionac : idispatch

  //  templates method
  //  ======================
   [id(1), helpstring("gets templates")]
   hresult gettemplates
    // parameters
    [in, out] safearray(struct eatemplate_act)* templates,

    // return
    [out, retval] long* size

i want implement gettemplate's in c# com interface existing programs can begin use new c#, wcf based logic.  have no problem calling current com implementation .net code, replacing com implementation .net code isn't working.
the following code, compiles warning resulting interface not operational in com programs.
namespace eaclientws
public class cdimensionlocators : eadimensionlib.ieadimensionac
 eadomainwsclient m_odomainproxy = new eadomainwsclient();
 public int gettemplates(ref array templates)
  int lcount = 0;
  int = 0;
  dimension[] dimtemplates = null;
  eaactlib.eatemplate_act[] mytemplates = null;
  lcount = m_odomainproxy.gettemplates(ref dimtemplates);
  if (lcount == 0)
   return 0;
  mytemplates = new eaactlib.eatemplate_act[lcount];
  foreach (dimension vtemplate in dimtemplates)
   mytemplates[i].templateid = vtemplate.dimensionid;
   mytemplates[i].templatename = vtemplate.dimensionname;

  templates = mytemplates;
  return lcount;

the interop books show 1 way com -> .net, leaves me big conversion.
peter boswell
msdos 1.0 developer

declaring eatemplate_act[] ought work.  without "ref" keyword.
hans passant.

.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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