Adapters/Connectors Available in BizTalk Services for SalesForce etc


i eager know of azure biztalk services have provision of installing third party adapters.

can install thrid party adpaters in biztalk services available in azure cloud ? adapters to sales force or plugins other online stores amazon simpledb etc.

many cloud 2 cloud integrations ipaas solutions have connectors ,

with many cloud cloud integration tools in market , how biztalk catching on space ?

if possiblity move platform further , create new markets vendors producing adapters/components for biztalk , biztalk components targeted on premise or there scope of cloud deployment bts services ?


currently biztalk services have provision connect third party system using biztalk adapter services .

for sales force to connect biztalk services , can use force rest api , can directly call rest api biztalk services .


mohit gupta

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure BizTalk Services


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