Inventory Issues



i have couple of questions ask how inventory system works in commerce server.


firstly there proper way determine how many items in stock before item added basket?


secondly, there reason why requires customer proceed checkout before tells them there aren't enough items in stock?






if want inventory particular product need first inventory catalog.

code snippet

inventorycatalog inventorycatalog = commercecontext.current.catalogsystem.inventorycontext.getassociatedinventorycatalog("mycatalogname");

then use inventory sku.

code snippet

inventorysku inventorysku = inventorycatalog.getsku("mycatalogname", "myproductid");

once have inventory sku can use various properties need such inventorysku.quantity , inventorysku.excessonhandquantity;

i think reason default site tells stock status after you've added item basket there pipeline component in basket pipeline evaluates stock status line items in basket , thow warning if there items out of stock.

hope helps,

Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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