Lync - Auto popup new messages

i found code on page:

can me convert code c# (console)?

;#notrayicon  detecthiddenwindows, on  script_hwnd := winexist("ahk_class autohotkey ahk_pid " dllcall("getcurrentprocessid"))  detecthiddenwindows, off  dllcall("registershellhookwindow", "uint", script_hwnd)  onmessage(dllcall("registerwindowmessage", "str", "shellhook"), "shellevent")  shellevent(wparam, lparam) {  	if (wparam = 0x8006) ; hshell_flash  	{     		winget,process,processname, ahk_id %lparam%  		ifinstring, process, communicator.exe  		{  			sleep 2000  			winactivate, ahk_id %lparam%  		}  	}  }  

hi anastasius80,

i'm trying involve senior engineers issue , take time. patience appreciated.

thanks understanding.

bob shen [msft]
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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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