
Showing posts from February, 2015

error with string index going below 0

hope explanation in comments enough give basic idea of intended purpose , error. public string [] tbchatold = new string [19]; // array store userinput int = 0; // counter ofr event below. private void tbchat_enter( object sender, keypresseventargs e) { //purpose of snip-it 1: display text tryped in textbox tbchat richtextbox windowchat. //now wrote code following stores userinput empty index in array tbchatold[] //using counter int declayed above. im hoping when = end of index starts storing //at index 0 again. in giving user 20 stored strings thay can go to. //i "think" part of code above explanation. string userinput; if (e.keychar == ( char )keys.enter) { userinput = tbchat.text; windowchat.text += userinput + "\r\n" ; if (i != 19) { tbchatold[i] = userinput; i++; } else if (

PropertyBag elements keep getting wiped out

i having issue propertybag of custom pipeline getting wiped out. have attached component , stepped through testing. it calls load method first , loads properties fine steps load method second time , wipes values. any idea on going on? hi , try below code... private string _holdfolder; public string holdfolder { get { return _holdfolder; } set { _holdfolder = value; } } private string _testfolder; public string testfolder { get { return _testfolder; } set { _testfolder = value; } } public void getclassid( out guid classid) { classid = new guid( "655b591f-8994-4e52-8ecd-2d7e8e78b25c" ); } public void initnew() { } public void load(ipropertybag propertybag, int errorlog) { object val = null ; try { propertyb

Partitioning a large static table

i had table eventshistory having 2.8 billions of records.only sharepoint based report on read table(no insert/delete/update). there no such column contains unique values i've no option create cluster index on table.i'd created combined non clustered index based on "time" , "email" column report query using filter based on these columns. client not satisfied performance of report. checked min & max date "time" column respectively 2011-09-01 00:00:29.000 & 2013-10-03 12:35:06.000. & each month there 100 milion data.should use partition table & should function & scheme. Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Mobile Apps

Are constructors thread safe?

have simple question can not find answer on net. if thread constructs object in .net, possible read or writes object thread interfere in construction phase? have lock content of constructor? thanks in beforehand , efforts. best regards mark ritter mark ritter said: i looked example, too. doubts came article double checked locking in c++ can happen reference creation precedes instance creation. perhaps the alexandrescu , meyers article ? microsoft clr 2.0 has stronger guarantees c++, esoterica involved in meyers article largely moot. see "double-check locking" here . curt - .NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture

How do I start a spark cluster 2.0.1 with power shell script?

i trying create spark cluster power shell following  this instruction . changed clustertype hadoop spark newest version number *3.5* (i tried 2.0.1 didn't work). created spark cluster version 1.6.2 instead of 2.0.1 intended. possible create spark cluster version 2.0.+ powershell? necessary, because azure not provide option stop , start cluster have create , delete it. Architecture  >  Architecture General

set the value of a int sqlparameter when the value of a drop down list is 0

if ddl has value of 0 want value of param null.  tried error because null isnt int.  thing compact.  tried creating function cant return null if return type int sqlparams[1] = new sqlparameter ( "@fdno" , ddlfd4.selectedvalue == "0" ? null : convert .toint32( ddlfund4.selectedvalue)); m~ something this, return null non-int values, can modify how like.        static   class   stringextensions     {          public   static   int ? tonullableint( this   string  value)         {              int  intval;              if  (! int .tryparse(value,  out  intval))             {                  return   null ;             }              if  (intval == 0)             {                  return   null ;             }              return  intval;         }     } usage this              int ? val =  "" .tonullableint(); // null             val =  "0" .tonullableint(); // null             val =  "1" .tonul

A Good Architecture for this scenario

hi, we need 2.0 front end page, need update file (flat file or xml) on multiple servers. being windows servers , being linux servers. example need open text file , change content 0 1 or copy file defined location.  best design approach requirement? thanks in advance. hi, don't think "best design" can recommended based on these requirements, missing non-functional requirements e.g. availability, integrity , reliability. example, how business address conflict resolutions, or require full acid support? simple, cheaper,  design may not address these issues, may enough business. more robust solution may cost considerably more, may business require. so, can see, it's quite difficult recommend "best design" yet... saying that, probable design consist of following pieces: a web front end handle ui channel agnostic end supporting synchronisation requirements data-access layer encapsulating logic access each technology (e.g. flat files , xml on l

Application Insights for Mobile Applications

hi, can add application insights both native , hybrid mobile application? thanks in advance, regards applicationinsights mobile apps in transition hockeyapp solution. please read this: anastasia Visual Studio Development  ,  Visual Studio Team Foundation Server  >  Application Insights (AI)

ScrollableControl that has a height more than 32767

i have objects need display on screen. total height of objects more 32767. there component or source code example me display objects? have tried myself using scrollbors can't make them work (i need scrollbars visible if needed) hi arhangel19 , welcome msdn forum. i have tried myself using scrollbors can't make them work (i need scrollbars visible if needed) you can use scrollbars , can let visible if needed thread below. how i: show textbox.scrollbars when needed have nice day. bob shen [msft] msdn community support | feedback us Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  > 

Differences in v7 to v8 Web Control Directions Module

in v7 ajax control, directions module returned time , time traffic each route leg. in v8 web control returns time, time without traffic. does know if there way time without traffic each leg in v8 web control directions module? i can see this. log bug investigation. out of curiosity, why directly accessing information? creating custom instruction ui rather using built in one? [ blog ] [ twitter ] [ linkedin ] Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps Web Controls

Where to see the polybase rejected rows? In other words what is the location of the rejected rows?

suppose loaded 2000 rows , 4 rejected polybase. these 4 rows can located? logged somewhere default or settings need change? vgangal hi, unfortunately, not possible far. can find answer microsoft in post also, can vote feature on feedback site sergiy lunyakin (data platfrom mvp) Microsoft Azure  >  Azure SQL Data Warehouse

How to configure .NET 2.0 Framework in IIS

i have uninstalled previous beta-version of framework (v2.0.40607) server , installed new framework v2.0.50215. how configure iis use new framework?   under old beta-version, had nice tab when clicking properties of web in iis console. not have tab anymore. shall do?   your appreciated! beat i found after googling , workaround chris adams .NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture

RichTextBox in WPF raised InvalidComObjectException in release build application

i got invalidcomobjectexception on exit on release build application. if don't use richtextbox, don't see crash. in debug build application, don't see crash. on release machine, if call currentdispather.invokeshutdown won't eliminate crash. my main appliation unmanaged mfc. wpf control embedded in cview in mfc application. any idea or suggestion? thanks. the solution worked me involved processing pending messages on thread's message queue before exitinstance.  cross apartment lrpc calls made between richedit control , dependent com component introducing reentrancy on thread's queue, allowing queued messages ("milchannelnotify" messages) processed after main thread had called couninitialize. ------------------------------------------ i've encountered same exception under similar conditions (native mfc app hosting wpf control within cwnd).  initial native exception, resulting the stack shown below, eventually causes same clr execption described

WSE3 Web service call returns good SOAP but proxy returns null

i'm trying web service run inside regular windows service, using technique seems pretty documented, e.g. .   when run client, i've tried generating using both wsewsdl3.exe , wsdl.exe, null string back.   webservice code: [webservice(namespace = " http: //mynamespace.whatever")] [webservicebinding(conformsto = "wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1")] public class mywebservice : webservice { [webmethod] public string helloworld() { console.writeline(" received request hello. "); return " hello world"; } } my proxy, generated using wse3 version of exe:   [system.codedom.compiler.generatedcodeattribute( "wsdl" , "2.0.50727.42" )] [system.diagnostics.debuggerstepthroughattribute()] [system.componentmodel.designercategoryattribute( "code" )] [system.web.s

How to create an application that has no GUI and does not start in console.

i want make application, that - not open console, when started - has no gui - visible in task manager's processes tab one way of doing creating new forms application , playing it's graphical properties, don't it. there proper way of doing in .net? a winservice out of question, best description of want achieve (without service start/stop.. overhead).   any thoughts appreciated. start windows forms application project template.  modify main() method in program.cs, don't call hans passant. .NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture

Easiest way to deploy BTAHL7 solutions...

what best way make deployment of btahl7 solution? working in solution, need install in several servers our clients. servers not have biztalk server, - or maybe technician - need install. there way create simpler setup biztalk, hl7 accelerator, , application can installed in simpler steps? maybe scrippting? maybe using tool? thanks in advance... your biztalk setup/configuration can done in silent mode. hope these articles can so: 1) biztalk 2009 - silent/unattended install kent weare  2)  silent installation , configuration of biztalk server nidhi also, application deployment, you should write deployment scripts run in silent mode. there sample inside biztalk installation directory, more details please refer article in msdn: createapp (application deployment sample) .   please mark answer if answers question thanks. mo BizTalk Server  >

ErrorCode: CampaignServiceAdGroupsArrayExceedsLimit

we received following error response while uploading ad groups through bing api version 8: <s:envelope xmlns:s=" "><s:body><s:fault><faultcode>s:server</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="en-us">invalid client data. check soap fault details more information</faultstring><detail><apifaultdetail xmlns=" " xmlns:i=" "><trackingid xmlns=" ">e3052c28-dfa9-4a48-ba94-fbcb723e0800</trackingid><batcherrors/><operationerrors><operationerror><code>1210</code><details i:nil="true"/><errorcode>campaignserviceadgroupsarrayexceedslimit</errorcode><message>the list of adgroups exceeds limit.</message></operationerror></operationerrors></apifaultdetail&g

How to get SQL Command text from Query Document in Visual Studio?

hi all, i building visual studio add-in , want text of sql command in query document. for example: a user opens server explorer , connects database he executes 'new query' command a new query document opens (query visualiser or whatever want call it) he selects columns in table visualiser panel , code generated in command text panel what want able generated text. tried using:  textselection s=(textselection) dte.activedocument.selection; textdocument d=(textdocument) dte.activedocument.object ("textdocument"); this not work because in first case selection null , in second 1 object null. part of code works if open document .txt or .sql file. tried find class similar querydocument or query, failed. do have suggestions?  thanks in advance! hi loleeca,   welcome msdn forum support.   can refer following blog in order understand related information more clearly.   coding productivity: macros, shortcuts , snippets     sincerely,   jason wa

Method overrides cannot add preconditions.

hi i've read thread on derived classes , have question have abstract class hasn't property i've in derived class. want use require contract on property. how think implement this? examle: public abstract class { public abstract void methoda } public class b : { public dattime isa{get;set;} public override void methoda() { contract.require(isa!=null); } } hi, alternatively, create abstraction preconditions moving them pure abstract method.  example: (note: haven't tried compiling code) [contractclass(typeof(acontracts))] public abstract class { [pure] protected abstract bool methodacanexecute(); public abstract void methoda(); } [contractclassfor(typeof(a))] public abstract class acontracts : { protected override abstract bool methodacanexecute(); public override void methoda() { contract.requires(methodacanexecute()); } } public class b : { public string isa { ge

Fetching messaging properties from within a pipeline component

hi community, trying implement custom pipeline component fetches several context properties, used in logging scenario logging data stored in bam observation model in corresponding activities. there several properties not found in message context. i following referenece chapter 14 pro bam in biztalk server 2009, section pipeline component implementation. there shown how fetch regular system properties interchangeid, messageid, etc, messaging properties portstarttime , portendtime straight message context. my implementation biztalk server 2010 , there differences in naming of properties - in book messagetype property addressed bts.messagetype when issuing call method, while in case works if have name of property without bts prefix. in addition there no values present properties portstarttime , portendtime. these essential implementation since tracking processing time main kpi.  priviously have implemented using tpe, these properties available. sake of ea

print with windows 7 print dialog

i have listview in program contain pictures, want select pictures , print them windows 7 print dialog... i want print dialog "1 of 4" option... this feature called windows explorer(explorer.exe process). talking undocumented function useppwforprintto resides in library c:\windows\system32\photowiz.dll however, should able use droptarget object photo printing wizard launch wizard. it's clsid(class id) {60fd46de-f830-4894-a628-6fa81bc0190d} , implements idroptarget, can launch calling drop method, supplying data object representing files want print. article show how implement this(c++): Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  

Adding user control to the Master Page in SharePoint 2013.

hi, we have created user control using visual studio find last login  time current logged in user(ie.fba authentication). need add control master page. we  need display logged in user name followed  time. see attached screen shot. can 1 suggest me how one... thanks.... hi reddy, you can use delegate controls add user control master page. below links might in creating delegate control sharepoint best regards, brij k SharePoint  ,  Apps for Office and SharePoint  > 

No data for SQL Dependency Duration for ASP.Net Web App

i created simple application on .net framework 4.6.1 ( 4.6.1 template in visual studio) azure sql  backend. application working fine - saving data in azure sql no sql dependency duration getting collected application insights. new application map feature showing client , web server (no sql backend). azure portal shows application running 4.6 .net framework. should investigate? from various articles, came know .net 4.6 dependency collection works out of box. going wrong here? steps followed - 1. created brand new web application on vs 2015 update 3. 2. chose web application (.net framework) after selecting .net 4.6.1 from dropdown 3. chose "individual user account" authentication 4. made sure that application insights has been chosen   hi andy, so looks you're using core, right? if so, should use application insights core nuget. you can find here:

Impersonate in WPF, C# throws “The directory name is invalid ” exception

we have wpf, c# application , requirement allow user impersonate. the problem having right if user not admin of machine throws exception  "the directory name invalid" once or login . are there solution problem? thanks, jdang hi jdang, this not appear common problem, , haven't found record of in our previous issues.  in general there key functionality for must administrator (and not merely impersonating administrator).  in case, need dump or trace of process debug try determine exact cause of problem. from support perspective beyond can here in forums. if cannot determine answer here or on own, consider opening support case us. visit link see various support options available better meet needs:;en-us;offerprophone . regards, david Visual Studio Languages  , 

Issues while integrating Lync 2010 and 2013

i'm using lync client in non uisupression mode.  usingmicrosoft.lync.model  namespace operations created small login application , able login , logout without issues. issue lync 2010: once logged in correct login information , logout, using demo application. if click login demo application without providing login information, lync login using old login information issue in lync 2013: lyncclient _lyncclient = lyncclient.getclient() throws specified cast not valid exception. avoid above login issue though of using _lyncclient.signinconfiguration.forgotme(uri)  method not available in lync 2010 please let me know can done hi redbullies, according description, case related lync. cooldadtx  moved case lync forum better support. regards, kristin we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. click here participa

How to add DataGridViewLinkColumn property to dynamically generated columns in DataGridView?

i using c# winform without database connections. in datagridview columns dynamically point of columns need datagridviewlinkcolumn property. how can achive this programmatically? please solve problem.   private void addlinkcolumn() { datagridviewlinkcolumn links = new datagridviewlinkcolumn(); links.usecolumntextforlinkvalue = true ; links.headertext = columnname.reportsto.tostring(); links.datapropertyname = columnname.reportsto.tostring(); links.activelinkcolor = color.white; links.linkbehavior = linkbehavior.systemdefault; links.linkcolor =; links.trackvisitedstate = true ; links.visitedlinkcolor = color.yellowgreen; datagridview1.columns.add(links); } malayalam sms website Visual Studio Languages

Sharepoint Project Portal Link in TFS 2015 Team Project Dashboard is missing

hi, we upgraded tfs 2013 update 5 tfs 2015 update 3 we noticed sharepoint project portal link in team project dashboard missing.  please me inputs resolve issue. changed in tfs 2015? many thanks venkat venkatesan nadimuthu hi, i resolved issue i found project portal not enabled in vs->team project->portal settings i wondering why missing after upgrade? enabling portal manual work , should have been automatic. please me inputs venkatesan nadimuthu Archived Forums V  >  Team Foundation Server - General

Pulling .xlsx files from Sharepoint Using ssis

hi,          i need create package pull .xlsx files sharepoint , load server , make package automated everyday. not familiar ssis stuff. came know can done using file task , ftp, not able figure out configuration setting should used in tasks.                         can suggest procress task? thanks, sri harsha. balususriharsha hi sri, these sites right. sharepoint exposes file retrieval via httpwebresponse interface only. ftp task cannot in case. i know may not easy coding in c# without programming skills 1 day need start ssis without c# or vb not usable anyways. luckily there community wiling free , ton of examples on web. if try modify code makes sense in application need achieve great. if issues, not hesitate post on our forum. arthur myblog twitter

GC cleans up object too early?

is clr bug or expected behavior? have following c# code: {   someclass theobj = new someclass();   theobj.dowork(); // note, may take several seconds return. } seeing theobj being disposed before call dowork returns. if add call gc.keepalive(theobj) after dowork call, fine. seems me should not necessary (it scares me because not sure how many other places in our code require call). there details pertinent: this x64 build (i haven't been able repro under win32) the dowork method makes call unmanaged code, , in fact in unmanged code when dispose called. someclass written in managed c++ brad pechacek mattias, c# mvp .NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


hi all, i have code lock function called synchronize. function synchronize data remote server. function lock application untill gets reply server. time server busy of down , reply takes lot of time , application stucked. how can solve problem using threading or solution. please help. best regards... let me see if understand problem. trying synchronize access application remote server. using lock, tie entire application. typical scenario want perform call server asynchronously on background thread. foreground thread can update ui , potentially cancel remote call if it's taking long. (for instance, provide a "cancel update" button on ui.) article has discussion of exact challenge , how solve background worker threads: Archived Forums V  > 

Biztalk Bam Activities

hey everyone, i new bam , trying figure out, hope there easy answer to. have 2 activities, job services , import services. both of them under same view , come in 2 different pivot tables expect. question: there possible way either combine these 2 pivot tables or relate activities, speak, both appear on same page in bam portal when deployed. looking consolidate activities as possible. thanks answers!  a bam view can contain multiple activities or multiple milestones single activity. can have both activities included in single view. BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General

SqlBulkCopy: Add identity/counter column without ColumnMapping?

i'm reading data excel files , i'm using sqlbulkcopy read tsql tables. need read several excel files different formats , fields, don't use column mappings. i'm using following code, working correctly. need add column have identity value. there easy way automatically add identity column without having map columns? need rows numbered can identify , clean table more easily. example, know rows 8-12 can deleted table, can delete rows based on counter/identity column. thanks. string connectionstring = getconnectionstring(); using (sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(connectionstring)) { sqlbulkcopy bulkcopy = new sqlbulkcopy ( connection, sqlbulkcopyoptions.tablelock | sqlbulkcopyoptions.firetriggers | sqlbulkcopyoptions.useinternaltransaction, null ); bulkcopy.destinationtablename = tablename;; bulkcopy.writetoserver(table); connec

Get the allowed characters from Regex Pattern

hi, i have created c# windows form has few input fields. validating input fields based on dynamic regular expression (it can changed end). while validating want show user allowed characters. is possible allowed characters regex pattern.the expression dynamic configured in database can change time.due cannot show static message. kindly suggest how allowed characters regex pattern. thanks regards, karthik.k out of box regex doesn't provide way pattern passed it. have couple of options.   1) create derived class stores input pattern , exposes property. cleanest , easiest approach.   2) when creating regex object, store off input pattern in field , use that. not clean eliminate need create new type. ultimately i'm not sure how useful though. regular expression meaningless end user showing pattern won't them. example zip code can done \d{5}(-?\d{4})? meaningless everyone. might better expand end schema allow specify regex pattern , descriptive message exp

Exchange email attachments

hey all,   i new biztalk , wondering needed in order monitor exchange mailbox, and, new email received, strip attachment , have send folder.   do need have exchange installed on biztalk server?  or possible?   thank you you can use remote pop3 server - details of server put receive location when select pop3 adapter. before fretting configuration, make sure able connect pop3 server outside biztalk.  use pop3 client (outlook, windows mail, thunderbird etc) connect server , see if can download e-mails. obviously want testing on non-live mailbox don't want going sucking out production data accidentally! if helpful or answers question - please mark accordingly. because points gives life purpose (also, helps other people find answers quickly) BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Serve

Task Pane App Excel - The supplied data object type is not supported error recieved

i believe passing in array of arrays in following code. data object type not supported. function bindingforallcsv(csvdict) { var end = 0; var res = csvdict[3].value.split("\r\n"); var type = "16"; var rowct = res.length; var namedrange = "a" + (end + 1) + ":k" + (end + rowct + 1); var id = "rec" + type; var bnding = "bindings#" + id; office.context.document.bindings.addfromnameditemasync(namedrange, "matrix", { id: id }, function(asyncresult) { if (asyncresult.status == "failed") { write('error: ' + asyncresult.error.message); } }); //calculate field arrays , put in row arrays var row = []; var fields = []; (var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) { fields = res[j].split(","); row.push(fields); }, {

Using vs 2013 express when running my program i'm getting message: symbols for module were not loaded, how can i fix it ?

it started show message few minutes ago not sure why. when start program see message click ok keep loading program , run fine. i didn't find 1 , 2 , how it. why message show @ ? how can remove thing won't show more ? solution: project properties > build > advanced... > debug info: full debug info set to: none once changed full working. Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#

What does the [] mean in int[], string[], or char[]?

i can not find information on these data types in msdn. i see these in kinds of code examples. guess array, don't know how use them. i tried make 1 following: int = 10; int b = 11; int c = 12; int[] intarraytest; intarraytest[1] = a; intarraytest[2] = b; intarraytest[3] = c; yet visual studio telling me intarraytest undefined. how these work? seem handy. mediocre access 2010 | (baby) beginner c sharp | ok @ active directory (2012) | fragmented understanding of dns/dhcp | laughable experience group policy | expert question asker on msdn forums hello uptide, an array of object has initialized before can access values inside it. can initialize array following snippet of code: int[] intarraytest = new int[length]; length integer (int) value indicates arrays length. it's length cannot altered after initialization. working version of code be: int[] intarraytest = new int[3]; intarraytest[0] = a; intarraytest[1] = b; intarraytest[2] = c;

How to easily create custom localized resources(strings) in Visual Studio?

i think general question why post here. trying describe windows forms, think applies other ui approaches well. okay, know how create forms localizable, how change current language , set values language ui. convenient. problem when have localize other strings(messages, etc.) not used directly in the forms. know can create own language(resource) files , put strings there. i know how values files using code. whole procedure seems little bit inconvenient me, wonder whether way designed done. , if don't, is. what think way it: as far understand, must create resource file each language want support, plus 1 file holds default values. seems same form designer me - enough. what don't like: i have write each key string in different language files manually. not automatically there - in ui mean, not in file itself. maybe bit unclear give example: lets assume have string resource named my_message. in default resource file(this seems pretty normal me): 1. add string resource named 'my_me

Can any one let me know

hello have senario in 3 types of xml files in folder, biztalk listining success, error , update xml messages if xml message containing status field in ack element success  doing something if xml message containing status field in ack element error --  doing processing if xml message not contain ack element have something.. question how check whether incomming msg contains ack element if present  hav call orch 1 if not present hav call orch2           you can have logic implemented in 1 parent orchestration, using xpath can check existences of ack element , based on that(using decide shape) can call 2 child orchestrations or if possible can implement scenario(success, error , update) in parent orchestration only. or better if source system(generating xml file) can put ack status in file name success file name inputsuccess, can put filter in receive port , subscribe accordingly. ajeet kumar

Dynamic MOF

hi, can 1 give example following queries. can read file(txt file) .mof file. how provide dynamic input values mof command line thanks, siva_461 hi siva_461, thank posting here. >>can read file(txt file) .mof file. i not have understanding read file(txt file) .mof file. mean want content .mof file? we content .mof file txt file. >>can read file(txt file) .mof file. how provide dynamic input values mof command line please try echo hello(the content want input)>c:\desktop\q.mof(the path of .mof file) i hope helpful you. best regards, wendy msdn community support please remember click "mark answer" responses resolved issue, , click "unmark answer" if not. can beneficial other community members reading thread. if have compliments or complaints msdn support, feel free contact . Visual Studio Languages

Finding Processes that are consuming high CPU

one thing wanted find out our app processes on server consuming lot of cpu. diagnose problems. there query or how able achieve that? collecting cpu utilization of processes on box not supported. however, if have suspects in mind, can configure performance collector collect cpu counters particular processes. see blog post details: Visual Studio Development  ,  Visual Studio Team Foundation Server  >  Application Insights (AI)

runtime master key error

i have basic javascript app deploying azure functions via vsts. in `src` directory, have top-level host.json file, , subdirectory actual function contains , index.js , function.json file. index.js file default "hello, <name>" example. vsts deployment definition takes src directory , installs azure web app. when browse azure functions portal, looks app getting deployed right endpoint, , function supposed be. do, however, following error:  error: not able retrieve runtime master key. please try again later. session id: dc5b1694757c41aa8cfa3759dccbcd60 timestamp: 2017-07-24t23:39:55.471z when fire kudu , in data/functions/secrets, see host.json file seems have right keys there, not visible in portal. can shed light on why might happening? thanks, marcin this link has information regarding azure functions.  not sure if of steps solution or not.