A simple if condition problem.

hi all,

i’m working on visual studio 2010 c#

i’ve got following code:

const int intmax = int32.maxvalue;

float tempval = convert.toint64(value);

if (tempval >= intmax)







my problem that: intmax = 0x 7fffffff , tempval = 1052379000 dosen’t fall on if condition.

i don’t understand why?

and how can fix it?



you're saying yourself, intmax 0x7fffffff (in base 16) (roughly 2 * 10^9 (in base 10)) , tempval 1 * 10^9 (in base 10) condition tempval greater or equal intmax return false (hence not entering if part)

forgive writing, english isn't native language.

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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