Copying table contents from a webpage into .txt file with C#.Net

hi everybody

i want copy table contents webpage .txt file

how can windowsformapplication in visual

thank you


new ideas, superior solutions


you can use webbrowser control this.

you have to go through each  tr , td find exact value.  example.

  htmldocument document = webbrowser.document;   if (document != null && outerhtml !=null)                  {                                          htmlelementcollection tablecollection = document.getelementsbytagname("table");                      foreach (htmlelement table in tablecollection)                      {  							htmlelementcollection trcoll = table.getelementsbytagname("tr");  							 foreach (htmlelement row in trcoll)                               {  								htmlelementcollection tds = row.getelementsbytagname("td");  								 if (tds != null && tds.count > 1)                                      {  									string texttoextract = tds[0].innertext;                                          if ((texttoextract.indexof("hellothisisanil", stringcomparison.invariantcultureignorecase) == -1)  										{  											//store extracted  value variable ,   write text file streamwriter.  										}  									}  						     }  					}  				}  

i think it  helpful you.

software developer

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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