Adding an icon to a MenuItem?

how add icon menu item in expression blend?

i using expression blend design ui of traditional windows
application--one has menus , toolbar. have figured out
except how add icon particular menu item. in blend, menuitem
control icon property under common properties, , assume
where specify image file use icon. have added suitable
png file project path, not able point icon property
to file.

i had expected see elipse button next icon property
would use specify file, see no elipse. have clicked
advanced property options glyph, don't see on context
menu helps.

so, question is: how specify image file menuitem control
should use icon? in advance help.

david veeneman
foresight systems

ah, apologies - misread question then. there no way manipulate icon property on design surface - problem want solve in future. today, have hard-coded set of properties want enable on design surface - example, header menuitem, , don't list properties of type object in order avoid cluttering object tree. need better solution in future.


Expression  >  Expression Blend + SketchFlow


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