UnmanagedType.LPArray and ClassInterfaceType.None

i having problem piece of code. can call getconnectionrawdata method unmanaged code (powerbuilder), when try reference properties of connectiondata errors. if rid of "[classinterface(classinterfacetype.none)]" have no problem accessing properties of connectiondata. there dll conflict? attributes used properly? appreciated.

    public class dbconfigproxyfacade : idbconfigproxy, idisposable

        [return: marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray)]
        public connectiondata[] getconnectionrawdata(connectiontype i_connectiontype)
                connectiondata[] connectiondata = _internalweb.getconnectionrawdata(i_connectiontype);
                return connectiondata;
            catch (exception ex)
                errormessage = string.format("failed connection data configuration service. attempting top file. {0}", ex.message);
                return new connectiondata[] {};


why using lparray? requires second parameter says how many items in array.

in case, looks easier use self-describing safearray.

mattias, c# mvp

.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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