BackgroundWorker is going to unresponsive!!


i need create windows form monitor backgroundworker process.

 using (backgroundworker worker = new backgroundworker())                      {                          if (worker.isbusy != true)                          {                              worker.workersupportscancellation = true;                              worker.dowork += backgroundworker1_dowork;                              worker.runworkercompleted += backgroundworker1_runworkercompleted;                              worker.runworkerasync();                          }                      }

this backgroundworker process update datagrid's datasource property frequently.

for testing wrote bellow,

datatable dt = (datatable)datagridview1.datasource;                (int = 0; < 50; i++)              {                  if (dt == null)                  {                      dt = getdatatable();                  }                  else                  {                      dt.merge(getdatatable());                  }              }

getdatatable method return datatable static row.

after completion of do_work event windows form going unresponsive mode.

can 1 please me fix this?

thanks, srini :)

the backgroundworker works on different thread ui , have use invoke or dispatcher ui update.

look @ using dependency properties bond grid , when update grid's datasource changes reflected.

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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