Missing a cast

the error "cannot implicitly convert type 'system.linq.iqueryable<system.collections.generic.list<dynamic>>' 'system.collections.generic.list<dynamic>'. explicit conversion exists (are missing cast?)".


[operationcontract]         [webget(uritemplate = "/{facilityid}/xs/metadata/", bodystyle = webmessagebodystyle.wrappedresponse, responseformat = webmessageformat.json)]         public list<dynamic> generatemetadata(string facilityid)         {             string url = operationcontext.current.endpointdispatcher.endpointaddress.uri.absoluteuri;             list<int> facilities = collectionutilities.convertcsvstringtointlist(facilityid);             xcontext.database.connection.connectionstring = dbutility.getconnectionstringforfacility(facilities, url);              var result = x in xcontext.xdetailrecords                     facilities.contains(x.facilityid)                     select new list<dynamic>{x.xidnumber,x.xpin,x.firstname,x.middlename,x.lastname};             return result;// return result.tolist() not working         }

can expression "facilities.contains(x.facilityid)" true several items within xcontext.xdetailrecords? if not, have aggregate query result single or singleordefault. have 1 or none list result. otherwise several lists whereas function returns 1 list.

unfortunatelly not find c# pendant vb's "aggregate...into singleordefault" linq keywords, call .singleordefault on whole linq expression set in brackets.


Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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