empty datatable rowchanging event doesn't fire


i have method handling datatablerowchangingevent.

it seems work fine , fire every time new row added in occasion datatable empty doesn't fire @ first row try insert.

do have suggestions in order make fire if datatable empty?


best regards

dear mitja right. correct solution. used method , experienced better performance.
if have empty tableadapter works fine. best regards.

louis needed event fire @ time create new row @ datatable without using fill method of tableadapter, because insert data datatable , send them database through tableadapter's update method.

i needed default value of time equal time user started inputing data. use devexpress grid insert data , not know how calls datatable create new rows.

in occasion tablenewrow event works fine , required needs.

thanks both time , efforts.



Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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