Using custom XSLT in Biztalk 2010 for comparison

i have requirement need compare records 2 schemas present in source , update destination schema if comparison conditions true. let me explain in little more detail,


i using biztalk 2010.

in map,
i have 2 schema's (schema 1 , schema 2) in source , 1 destination schema.these schema's contains duplicate/repeating  records.

basically, want compare field each record of schema-1 fields of each , every record of schema-2. if comparison true , the, schema-1 fields of record should updated in destination.

i have tried looping functoid in map no luck :(
is possible custom xslt? if yes - please suggest how go or suggest sample code or resources?

thanks in advance.



yes. possible xslt.

use generate-id() function identify duplicate records in xml.



BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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