I created an array of labels but i cant make the location of them to be on splitContainer1.Panel2

the mode when program on full screen.

if in loop im doing labels[loop_through_lables].location = new point(100,100);

it put on left side on picturebox1 have wich on panel.

but on splitcontainer1.panel2 wich on right side of screen have trackbar , want put labels there.

and want each label near trackbar2 line (-) mean each trackbar2 "-"



for (int loop_through_lables = 1; loop_through_lables < trackbar2.maximum; loop_through_lables++)
labels[loop_through_lables] = new label();
labels[loop_through_lables].size = new size(35, 13);
labels[loop_through_lables].location = new point(splitcontainer1.panel2;
labels[loop_through_lables].visible = true;
labels[loop_through_lables].text = "hello";


how make location on splitcontainer1.panel2 , how make each label next trackbar2 value or graphical "-" ?






you have add control splitcontainer1.panel2.controls collection not form controls!


Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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