Is the executable file generated by compiler a Managed code or Unmanaged code ?


when compile our or code (say in simple console application) in bin\debug folder .exe file managed code? when directly execute file,will target clr ? or directly run on os ?

why there consoleapplication1.vshost.exe.manifest files created in folder ?

what .pdb file ?

that executable file created in obj\debug folder .why ?

when compile our or code (say in simple console application) in bin\debug folder .exe file managed code?
yes. file portable executable in (il) intermediate language

when directly execute file,will target clr ? or directly run on os ?
the in time compiler compile il instructions native code , run it.

why there consoleapplication1.vshost.exe.manifest files created in folder ?
visual studio needs files in order build/debug application.

what .pdb file ?
file debug symbols used debug session

that executable file created in obj\debug folder .why ?
depends on kind of build use: release or debug (copy ? ;-) )


.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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