String Extension


i found following extensions:

    public static bool isnullorempty<t>(this ienumerable<t> value) {        return value == null || value.count() == 0;      }        public static ienumerable<t> throwifnullorempty<t>(this ienumerable<t> item, string name) {        if (item.isnullorempty())          throw new argumentnullexception(name);        return item;      }

and applied follows:

    public static string mymethod(string value, string key) {        value.throwifnullorempty("value");      }

how can applied string. logical?

should have extension ienumerable , string?

thank you,


they designing write multiple criteria in fluent style, ie:


that being said, type of thing, i'd use existing library.  cuttingedge.conditions handles of these cases quite nicely.  you can through old discussions (very good/valid) reasons they're not using extension methods on base types string/ienumerable<t>, too...

reed copsey, jr. -
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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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