Help to generate WebService client to consume services Bing in Java

hello everyone, created a webservice client using address for netbeans

my code:


 public static void main(string[] args) {         try {             qname spacename = new qname("");             string key = new string("bing maps key");             jaxbelement<string> appid = new jaxbelement<string>(spacename, string.class, key);             credentials credential = new credentials();             credential.setapplicationid(appid);             jaxbelement<credentials> cred = new jaxbelement<credentials>(spacename, credentials.class, credential);             location location = new location();             location.setlatitude(double.parsedouble("-26.9299"));             location.setlongitude(double.parsedouble("-48.9484"));             jaxbelement<location> loca = new jaxbelement<location>(spacename, location.class, location);             reversegeocoderequest request = new reversegeocoderequest();             request.setcredentials(cred);             request.setlocation(loca);             geocoderesponse resp = reversegeocode(request);             list<geocoderesult> result= (list<geocoderesult>) resp.getresults();         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } 

have problem: formatter threw exception while trying deserialize message: there error while trying deserialize parameter innerexception message 'there error deserializing object of type microsoft.virtualearth.publictypes.geocode.reversegeocoderequest. '/' character, hexadecimal value 0x2f, cannot included in name. line 1, position 457.'.  please see innerexception more details. 	at 	at 	at 	at 	at 	at $proxy35.reversegeocode(unknown source) 	at mobileclient.main.reversegeocode( 	at mobileclient.main.main( 

someone could me with problem?

thank you!



take @ article:

there several other articles on blog regarding soap services , java. said highly recommend using rest services instead of soap services. if want use rest services take @ bing maps android sdk has bunch of libraries connecting rest services.

Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps REST, SOAP, Spatial Data Services


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