How to get shipping address for a lineitem


please tell how shipping address lineitem in pipeline. developing component  total pipeline. have calculate tax according country




from abstract level:

code snippet


public int32 execute(object pdisporder, object pdispcontext, int32 flags)

            idictionary order = (idictionary)pdisporder;
            idictionary addresses = (idictionary)order["addresses"];
            isimplelist items = (isimplelist)order["items"];

            foreach (idictionary item in items)
               string shippingaddressid = shipment["shipping_address_id"].tostring();
                idictionary address = addresses[shippingaddressid];
               //you have address line item, custom logic 



this code assumes you're using lineitem addresses instead of shipments, although shipments works same way.


have looked @ sdk example included commerce server installation?  (typically found @ c:\program files\microsoft commerce server 2007\sdk\samples\minmaxshipping).  that'd excellent starting point you'll need do.

Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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