Consuming Https on Send Port BizTalk 2006

i using biztalk 2006. 1 of application have uses send port solicit response posting xml message vendor link.

suddenly, last week, vendor has changed url https http. got security certificate vendor , installed in biztalk machine's "other person" folder using mmc.

i designed custom pipelines mime encryption / decryption. certificate property of send port configured include client certificate vendor.

however, when application runs, gives following error on send port.

there failure executing response(receive) pipeline: reason: ... there authentication failure. "failed decode s/mime message. s/mime message may not valid.". 

i have seen several articles regarding this. feel in case don't need resolve party , not need sign message private key etc. thing have public key certificate vendor correctly installed "other person" certificate answer biztalk host user.

i appreciate if can guide me on this.







umesh bhatt,
mcts sharepoint, biztalk,,pmp

what adapter using? http, soap or wcf?

changing http https should not require many changes.
when browse https web site not have download , install certificates first. when ssl session open server sends public key certificate , client checks root ca of certificate in it's trusted root certificate authorities. root ca on certificate? ca in biztalk servers trusted root certificate authorities (use mmc certificates plug-in local machine)

smime not part of https. has your vendor changed message encoding? if using smime in request response pattern need provide own cetificate , pass your public key other party.


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