Saving Windows Identities



in application i'd create authentication scheme similar 1 of sql server. users can log on automatically using windows account or enter username , password. wonder save in users database table in first case. think storing username only, maybe in form "mydomain\steve" not because might call computer "mydomain" , create local user "steve" , have access program. else must stored in users table. candidates sid or token not know compare logged on windows user's data to.


thank you



within scope of single computer or domain, sids unique, yes. in case of domain, dc makes sure sids unique.


in case of workgroup, little different. may happen 2 users on 2 different computers indeed have same sid, not matter sids should never exchanged on network -- sid of local user account worthless different computer anyway. instead, remote user logs on local user account -- local sid used, of course unique (within scope of computer) again.

sids not derived user or computer names, names not matter here.







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