How can I implement a attribute like "PrincipalPermission"

i attribute "principalpermission", because when call method mymethod, check permission first. found when check permission failed, throws exception.

my question how can implement attribute this: when check permission failed, not step method "mymethod", instead of throw exception?


code snippet

        [principalpermission(securityaction.demand, role = "user")]
        private void mymethod()
            string ss = "abc";



(offcourse first create concrete permission(set) , demand don't see how useful)

if you're talking principalpermission can following:

code snippet

if (thread.currentprincipal.isinrole("user"))

but following, , more generic solution use try/catch block:

code snippet

catch (securityexception sex)


to answer question: afaik it's impossible without exceptions, because that's way failures meet required permissions signalled back...

.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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