How to subscribe Message failed at port level?

how subscribe message failed @ port level.

there custom way subscribe message failed @ port level.

1 way check checkbox "enable routing failed messages"

there other way... came accross, on of lady......... having of exp in biztalk server , asked silly question myself, suggest how subscribe message failed @ port level.

answer yes, enable  routing failed message @ port level.we subscribe failed message based on promoted propety failure code error desc etc...... unfortunately not happy answer.

per there no such option, surprised , know having solution of it.. keep point 1 way... , may there other option have check.

1 please suggest me other ways.



there msdn article here, which says below:

"with biztalk server 2004, messages failed @ send port or receive port, or due routing failures, suspended. if wanted use suspended message information (for example, analyze why message suspended or generate failure report), take actions subscribing nack messages or using utilities written windows management instrumentation (wmi). however, these tasks seen tedious.

with biztalk server 2006, new functionality added. can route failed messages selecting the enable routing failed messages check box @ both receive port , send port."

so if using biztalk 2004, there nothing routing failed messages biztalk 2006 onwards, there feature route failed messages @ port level , avoid them getting suspended. , since feature provided, common way of handling failed messages on port level in biztalk 2006 onwards.

i hope helps 

naushad alam

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