how to remote access window 2012 and display the real time graph of cpu usage of virtual machines

what link of sample code of below link?

i write application remote access window 2012 , display real time graph of cpu usage of virtual machines

hi check below thread example on how cpu usage of machine:

vb code converted:

dim cpucounter performancecounter  cpucounter = new performancecounter() cpucounter.machinename = "machine_name_here" cpucounter.categoryname = "processor" cpucounter.countername = "% processor time" cpucounter.instancename = "_total"  dim cpuusage string = cpucounter.nextvalue() + "%"

i'm quoting the performancecounter.machinename property page:"

can write values counters reside on local computer. however, can read counter values computer in enterprise have access privileges.

when set the machinename property point remote computer, the performancecounter instance attempts open counter on computer. if counter not exist, setting property throws exception."

performancecounter class

fouad roumieh

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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