Facing issue in VSTS build - The job has been abandoned because agent admins-Mac-mini did not renew the lock. Ensure agent is running, not sleeping, and has not lost communication with the service.


abruptly facing below issue in xamarin.ios project vsts build below:

the job has been abandoned because agent admins-mac-mini did not renew lock. ensure agent running, not sleeping, , has not lost communication service.

my observation is,

  • before few days, build successful (which includes xamarin.ios project containing solution, running uitest on xamarin test cloud, after build deployment on hockeyapp release step)
  • i restarted mac machine on premise host, after started facing issue
  • if not running xamarin uitest on cloud (it means build taking less time), build getting successful after that, release step failed same above error
  • if build contain running uitest step, build step failing, made sure uitest successful, publish artifact step failing

i have tried re-configuring agent, altogether new agent setup not success.

please help.

additional information above: tar file have downloaded vsts agent, vats-agent-osx-x64-2.109.1.tar, guess 2.109.1 stating version.

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