How to get SQL Command text from Query Document in Visual Studio?

hi all,

i building visual studio add-in , want text of sql command in query document.

for example:

  • a user opens server explorer , connects database
  • he executes 'new query' command
  • a new query document opens (query visualiser or whatever want call it)
  • he selects columns in table visualiser panel , code generated in command text panel

what want able generated text. tried using: 

textselection s=(textselection) dte.activedocument.selection;  textdocument d=(textdocument) dte.activedocument.object ("textdocument");

this not work because in first case selection null , in second 1 object null. part of code works if open document .txt or .sql file. tried find class similar querydocument or query, failed.

do have suggestions? 

thanks in advance!

hi loleeca,

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  jason wang

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