Silverlight video inside an Outlook app does not load. An Add-on for this Website failed to run. Click Security Setting in the Internet Options for Potential conflicts

i have basic app, simplicity may think loads silverlight video:

<object type="application/x-silverlight" data="data:application/x-silverlight," id="silverlightvideopopupobject" width="100%" height="100%">
            <param name="background" value="#333">
            <param name="autoupgrade" value="true">
            <param name="culture" value="en-us">
            <param name="uiculture" value="en-us">
            <param name="windowless" value="true">
            <param name="enablehtmlaccess" value="true">
            <param name="source" value="">
            <param name="initparams" value="mediatype=tvepisode,mediaguid=de7af04f-749b-4d39-abd2-7ef5d217d6f0,mediatitle=breaking bad season 5 preview (breaking bad - season 5),onplayerclose=onclosevideopopup,usersignedin=false">
            <param name="onerror" value="__slevent3">

when viewing in browser, works fine. once it's in outlook app, error message:

an add-on website failed run. click security setting in internet options potential conflicts


i'm going move developing apps office forum here:



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