Route failed message


i have receive port set accept xml, send port utilizes sendedi pipe line convert to edi, in case of xml has missed fields or cause error duing transformation, i create send port (error handling) catch these input xmls causing error of transformation.

in filters of the send port (error handling), have 2 properties created: 1 bts.receiveportname value receiveport (receive xml) , errorreport.sendportname value equal send port (sendedi pipeline).  drop error xml did go fail folder.  why?

i tried have value of errorreport.sendportname failedmessage, , result same above.
below warning:
event type: warning
event source: biztalk server 2006
event category: biztalk server 2006
event id: 5743
date:  4/22/2009
time:  9:03:56 am
user:  n/a
computer: myvm1
the adapter failed transmit message going send port "sendportedi" url "c:\failedmessage\failedmsg_%sourcefilename%.txt". retransmitted after retry interval specified send port. details:"unable read stream produced pipeline.
 details: error in serialization ".

for more information, see , support center @

please help.

thank you,



are you using same pipeline causes original error? try using passthrough pipeline.

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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