Reporting Database growing rapidly


is normal reporting database in ssrs grow rapidly? created new database 2 days ago, , has gone 300 megabytes first day 3gb today. usually, in matter of 4-5 months, grows 30+ gb.

is normal this? once get's large starts slow nightly refresh of content down , causes take longer. also, seems when gets large that, there noticeable bottlenecks on sql box.

if normal, solution create new reporting database once in while? shrink it? what? looked online , didn't see info addressing topic.

i think log file might have grown such extent. check data file size , log file size.

select db_name(database_id) databasename, name logical_name, physical_name, (size*8)/1024 sizemb sys.master_files db_name(database_id) = '<database name>'

if log file size more data file size have backup in place.

reporting database uses sql database engine store reporting metadata , object definition. 

i've not seen such reporting database such growth rate provided not moving reports various sources , other means.


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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