Need some guidence about my C# project
for undergraduate final year project going build application based on image processing idea using c# , wpf. here can manage his/her personal images, can edit (blur, gray-scale , other fancy tools) , can share internet. though did lot of internet searching still confused learning approach.
i have base on c# programming. didn't work on graphics programming yet. project have learn lot of image processing basics? can use gdi+? heard hardware dependent. need guidance , resource.
thanks in advance.
system.drawing assembly , namespace can in this.
use bitmap loading image in memory
use (lockbits > image processing > unlockbits)
i hope have processing algorithms
find below sample code making color image gray scale
var bitmapdata = bmp.lockbits( new rectangle(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height), // take bytes system.drawing.imaging.imagelockmode.readwrite, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format24bpprgb); // 3 byte colors // copy pixel data byte array faster processing var pixelbytes = new byte[bitmapdata.height * bitmapdata.stride]; // total size read data system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.copy(bitmapdata.scan0, pixelbytes, 0, pixelbytes.length); (var y = 0; y < bmp.height; y++) { var st = y * bitmapdata.stride; for (var x = 0; x < bmp.width; x++) { var p = st + x * 3; var r = pixelbytes[p]; var g = pixelbytes[p + 1]; var b = pixelbytes[p + 2]; // processing here var n = (byte)(r * .22 + g * .66 + b * .12); pixelbytes[p] = n; pixelbytes[p + 1] = n; pixelbytes[p + 2] = n; } } // update bitmap data system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.copy(pixelbytes, 0, bitmapdata.scan0, pixelbytes.length); bmp.unlockbits(bitmapdata);;
muthukrishnan ramasamy
use need, reduce global warming
Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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