Help importing catalog from 2002 to 2007


i have catalog (xml) exported 2002 import 2007 dev environment. have startersite working in dev , replace catalog mines. validated xml 2 errors:

line 123: property name why it's different  specified 1 of property elements not valid. property names may not blank , may not exceed 100 characters. property names may not begin digit, displayname_ prefix, u_defaultvalue_, may not named listprice , may not contain of following 5 reserved characters: .,"[].
line 468: definition name (null) catalog dhc usa invalid.definition name should not blank , should not exceed 128 characters.

i don't know if idea post xml file (its pretty big) here snippets numbers above:

line 123: <property name="why_x0020_it_x0027_s_x0020_different" datatype="string" isfreetextsearchable="0" includeinspecsearch="1" minvalue="0" maxvalue="4000" displayonsite="1" assignall="0" exporttodw="0" displayinproductslist="0" multilingual="1" isrequired="0" id="catalogproperty44" >

line 468: <product listprice="0" product_x0020_code="2001" >

any comments or suggestions help. thanks.



i wanted give update. error line 123 not accurate because ' not allowed. after fixing xml file imported catalog.

Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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