Why I fail to create Azure Data lake with ARM template???

i have azure data created in portal. have downloaded automation scripts portal , trying deployment, cannot create new data lake store , analytics. have not edited template.json file, parameters.json edited. wrong?

az group deployment create --resource-group armtestrg --template-file  c:\development\template.json  --parameters c:\development\parameters.json

deployment template validation failed: 'the provided value template parameter 'accounts_mydata_datalakestore

accounts' @ line '1' , column '312' not valid.'.


"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentparameters.json#",

"contentversion": "",

"parameters": {

"accounts_mydata_defaultdatalakestoreaccount": {

"value": "mydata_defaultdatalakestoreaccount_2"


"accounts_mydata_datalakestoreaccounts": {

"value": "accountsmydata2"


"accounts_myddata_name": {

"value": "accountsmydataname2"


"accounts_mydata_name_1": {

"value": "accountsmydataname12"


"datalakestoreaccounts_mydata_name": {

"value": "datalakestoreaccountsmydataname2"





hi kenny,

we're looking this. may changing value for accounts_mydata_datalakestoreaccounts [{"name":"accountsmydata2"}].

for now, see template should like, please use arm template data lake analytics account creation -- published here.

i hope helps!

best regards,


azure data lake

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Data Lake Analytics & Store


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