Trying to register with public marketplace error with 'Get-AzureStackStampInformation'

when trying register against public azure adfs azure stack error below.

logs can found at: c:\maslogs\azurestack.azureregistration.2017-10-12.01-31-23.log  and  \\azs-ercs01\c$\maslogs
error occurred checking stamp information: term 'get-azurestackstampinformation' not recognized name
of cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. check spelling of name, or if path included,
verify path correct , try again.
@ c:\azurestack-tools-master\registration\registerwithazure.psm1:1106 char:5
+     throw "logs can found at: $global:azureregistrationlog  and  \ ...
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : operationstopped: (logs can fou... , try again.:string) [], runtimeexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : logs can found at: c:\maslogs\azurestack.azureregistration.2017-10-12.01-31-23.log  a
   nd  \\azs-ercs01\c$\maslogs
error occurred checking stamp information: term 'get-azurestackstampinformation' not recognized n
   ame of cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. check spelling of name, or if path included, verify path correct , try again.

i have imported azure powershell modules , still getting error above. 'get-azurestackstampinformation' cmdlet not present on host hardware assume should present on azs-ercs01?

please help?

thanks ned,

i have been trying install latest versions 20170928.3 time have been trying register directly azure , failing consistantly.

i rerun again , go adfs.

thanks help.

Microsoft Azure  ,  Development  >  Azure Stack


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