Schema as service + https (encryption at transport) + message signing (no encryption)

need expose schema web service security.

1. source : biztalk 2010
2. target : pega / java based systems
3. encryption : transport level
4. signing : message level
5. special requirement : send unsecured responses, supress timestamps

can done.. ?

start wanted achieve message signing.

1. exposed schema service.. , used basichttpbinding .. able consume.
2. changed custombinding.. 
a. enableunsecuredresponse = true
b. includetimestamp = false, replaymessages in client , server = false supress timestamps

biztalk expecting sign , encrypt message.
can make accept messages signed?

when move ssl (encryption) + message signing .. challenges.
need use custom binding or can achieved wshttpbinding (mode : transportwithmessagecredential)

praveen behara
mcst : biztalk server 2006 r2, 2010

as part of "publiosh schemas wcf" option generate "receive port" under specified application. when port created have wcf level contracts including ones references point to. can change these per requirements.

also while publishing wcf schemas, you'd advanced options allow control pretty aspects of wcf endpoint.


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