Changing the settings of a printer

hi all,

i am trying create windows forms application allows user print sequence of files. want print using shell execute (system.diagnostics.process). however, want give user ability select printer & printer settings print through.

i have tried code given in following article,

using it, able change settings of local printers, attempting access remote printers throws "access denied" win32exception - after making changes suggested in comments.

i have tried system.printing namespace. attempting create printquery on local printer (windows xps document writer) throws error stating "attempt security transparent method 'ms.internal.printwin32thunk.printerdefaults.dispose(boolean)' access security critical method 'ms.internal.printwin32thunk.printerdefaults.internaldispose(boolean)' failed."

is there way through c#? appreciated, have been banging head on screen while now. :p




hi thimila,

"is there fix/workaround issue on .net 4.0 when creating printqueue object..."

there article talking issue including workaround. please check see if helps.

methodaccessexception when printqueuecollection disposed

bob shen
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