Bing Maps API - Travel Duration Matrix - With Public Transport Data - HELP!

google maps "google distance matrix api" allows users enter multiple start , end locations , request various travel distances , durations. however, haven't upgraded system allow public transport mode of travel , output need.  i assume data bing maps making separate route requests need travel durations 2 starting locations 50 end locations (100 durations in total) surely take ages , slow? does know of way of doing this?


any appreciated, knew and desperately need advise on possible way able calculate these travel durations.

is one-off requirement? (i.e. once you've calculated 100 combinations, it?) if so, making 100 requests bing maps routing rest service take few seconds.

if, however, need recalculate many times multiple sets of starting locations multiple end locations, might want consider alternative solution. 1 way calculate reusable matrix between major towns/cities only. then, when want find exact duration between 2 points, calculate duration start point closest major town , add on precalculated distance using precalculated matrix closest major town destination. assumes major towns transport hubs - whether it's suitable purposes rather depends on sort of journeys you're trying plan.

also, bear in mind quality/availability of public transport data bing maps routing service varies depending on country in you're planning these routes.

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Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps REST, SOAP, Spatial Data Services


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