DataGridView DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Datasource not clearing


i have datagrid has about 2700 records in it. i'm looping each row can filter dropdown datasource on row row basis. works fine. 

when close , re-open form not clearing memory form used.

as far can tell line

   ((datagridviewcomboboxcell)this[cell.owningcolumn.index, i]).datasource = selectdatatable(filter.datasorce, filterstring)  

the select datatable code:

      datatable selectdatatable(datatable dt, string searchstring)      {        datatable returndt = dt.clone();          returndt.beginloaddata();          foreach (datarow dr in        {          returndt.loaddatarow(dr.itemarray, loadoption.overwritechanges);        }          returndt.endloaddata();          return returndt;        }  

im not sure if holding on datatable when doesnt need , if how clear them out.

any :)


welocme msdn forum. posting here.

could show what's data source?  , please make sure filterstring changed @ run time. have made same code project, , works on own machine. think it's filterstring problem.

thanks understanding , support.

best regards,
rocky yue[msft]
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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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