PRODUCTION: Invalid Credentials

i'm getting 'invalid credentials' error. verified customer id correct, developer token correct, , can new access token + refresh token using curl. can't figure out wrong.

$ yii_env=prod yii kw/bing-list-accounts
operation failed following faults:
trackingid: 5692baa7-28ad-4ac9-916b-4b05b94252aa
code: 105
error code: invalidcredentials
message: authentication failed. either supplied credentials invalid or account inactive

2016-10-21 11:41:46 [-][-][-][error][application] last soap request/response:  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <soap-env:envelope xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:xsi=""  xmlns:ns1="">    <soap-env:header>      <ns1:customeraccountid />      <ns1:customerid>999999999</ns1:customerid>      <ns1:developertoken>xxxxxxxxxxx</ns1:developertoken>      <ns1:username />      <ns1:password />      <ns1:authenticationtoken>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</ns1:authenticationtoken>    </soap-env:header>    <soap-env:body>      <ns1:getuserrequest>        <ns1:userid xsi:nil="true" />      </ns1:getuserrequest>    </soap-env:body>  </soap-env:envelope>  <s:envelope xmlns:s="">    <s:body>      <s:fault>        <faultcode>s:server</faultcode>        <faultstring xml:lang="en-us">invalid client data. check soap fault details more information</faultstring>        <detail>          <adapifaultdetail xmlns="" xmlns:i="">            <trackingid>5692baa7-28ad-4ac9-916b-4b05b94252aa</trackingid>            <errors>              <adapierror>                <code>105</code>                <detail i:nil="true" />                <errorcode>invalidcredentials</errorcode>                <message>authentication failed. either supplied credentials invalid or account inactive</message>              </adapierror>            </errors>          </adapifaultdetail>        </detail>      </s:fault>    </s:body>  </s:envelope>  

i copied exact soap request , substituted authenticationtoken (access token), , worked. (i removed customerid since isn't required operation.) able login bing ads web application microsoft account (email) used access token? possible access token microsoft account might not have access bing ads accounts. 105 error can returned if credentials not valid bing ads account. example might have microsoft account used register application , clientid oauth, credentials don't have access bing ads account.

Bing Ads API: Development  >  Bing Ads API: Development


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