Find out number of records in Flat File


i have flat file, contains more 100,000 records. using custom receive pipeline flat file assembler split 1 records. these flat file -> receive port (flat file assembler ->custom pipeline components) -> receive -> construct message ->....other process.

question is

1)find out total number of records in flat file

2)find out the, last item (or last record flat file) in orchestration process

i want execute custom reports (.net code) once flat file process done. don't know find out system done flat file



interchangesequencenumber, bts.lastinterchangemessage - both giving null in pipeline execute method?

yeah, i've noticed to.  assumed they're set messaging agent (where pipelines run) when batch committed.  they're never added context.

so, they're available downstream, in orchestration, send pipeline, etc.

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