Acces BizTalk Powershell Provider drive on Remote machine

this environment 

system :biztalk server 2010,sql server 2008 r2,powershell provider biztalk(

system b:powershell provider biztalk( , no biztalk server , sql server installed .

i have created new ps drive , configured on system a.

i have execute powershell script on system b not able access drive created on system , not

able create new drive through script on system b.


       enter-pssession -computername dev1 -configurationname microsoft.powershell32

       function biztalk: { set-location biztalk: }

       function biztalk:\ { set-location biztalk:\ }

       write-host "loading powershell provider biztalk snap-in "

       $initializedefaultbtsdrive = $false;
       add-pssnapin -name biztalkfactory.powershell.extensions

       new-psdrive -name bts -psprovider biztalk -root "bts:\" -instance dev1-database biztalkmgmtdb -scope global

     set-location -path bts:
    set-location 'platform settings'
    set-location 'host instances'

   get-childitem |where-object { $_.servicestate -eq 'stopped' } |start-hostinstance      

error message(for new drive in script):

new-psdrive : invalid namespace
@ e:\utilities\starthostinstances.ps1:13 char:19
+        new-psdrive <<<<  -name bts -psprovider biztalk -root "bts:\" -instance dev1 -database biztalkmgmtdb -sco
pe global
    + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (bts:psdriveinfo) [new-psdrive], btsexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : 0,microsoft.powershell.commands.newpsdrivecommand

i have used get-psdrive command didn't find drive .

if set   $initializedefaultbtsdrive = $true , getting following error message

error message:

attempting perform initializedefaultdrives operation on 'biztalk' provider failed.

resolved issue .


i have used invoke-command run powershell script in remote session on biztalk server. script create psdrive, browse

and create items expected.

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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