Why i'm getting time out exception when using httpwebrequest and response and how should i handle it, so far without success ?

in original method without using statement , without try , catch , without timout set 10000.

i changed later since got exception i'm getting exception again.

the program working fine hour or , got exception again.

my program downloading website same file every 5 minutes.

httpwebrequest request;         int currentindex = 0;         void filedownloadradar(string uri, string filename)         {             if (splash != null)             {                 if (!splash.isdisposed)                     splash.updateprogressbar(0);             }             try             {                 request = (system.net.httpwebrequest)system.net.webrequest.create(uri);                 request.timeout = 10000;                 request.cookiecontainer = new cookiecontainer();                 request.allowautoredirect = true;                 using (httpwebresponse response = (httpwebresponse)request.getresponse())                 {                     long contentlength = response.contentlength;                     if (response.contenttype == "")                     {                         logger.write("contenttype empty download not fine !!!!!");                     }                     if ((response.statuscode == httpstatuscode.ok ||                         response.statuscode == httpstatuscode.moved ||                         response.statuscode == httpstatuscode.redirect) &&                         response.contenttype.startswith("image", stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase))                     {                         logger.write("contenttype not empty meaning download fine");                         using (stream inputstream = response.getresponsestream())                         using (stream outputstream = file.openwrite(filename))                         {                             byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];                             int bytesread;                                                         {                                 bytesread = inputstream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);                                 currentindex += bytesread;                                 double percentage = (double)currentindex / contentlength;                                 if (splash != null)                                 {                                     if (!splash.isdisposed)                                         splash.updateprogressbar((int)(percentage * 100));                                 }                                 outputstream.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);                             } while (bytesread != 0);                             if (splash != null)                             {                                 if (!splash.isdisposed)                                 {                                     splash.updateprogressbar(100);                                 }                             }                         }                      }                     else                     {                         timer1.stop();                         timer3.start();                     }                     if (splash == null)                         finishwebrequest();                 }             }             catch (webexception ex)             {                 if (ex.status == webexceptionstatus.timeout)                 {                     logger.write(ex.status.tostring());                 }             }         }

the excption on line:

using (httpwebresponse response = (httpwebresponse)request.getresponse())

webexception: the operation has timed out

the exception message:

system.net.webexception occurred   hresult=-2146233079   message=the operation has timed out   source=system   stacktrace:        @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getresponse()        @ mws.form1.filedownloadradar(string uri, string filename) in d:\c-sharp\download file\downloading-file-project-version-012\downloading file\form1.cs:line 899   innerexception:

line 899 same line exception throw on.

hi chocolade1972,

there 2 possibilities.

first:same goes response streams , maybe other objects you're using. check if have close or dispose method. if have one, wrap them. 

using (httpwebresponse wr = (httpwebresponse)httprequest.getresponse()) using (streamreader srd = new streamreader(wr.getresponsestream()) {     status= srd.readtoend().tostring(); }


someone put httpwebrequest.abort() fix it.

if (request != null) {               request.abort();           } 

for more detailed information, please refer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2252762/getrequeststream-throws-timeout-exception-randomly

good luck !


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