When shared Add-in used in Microsoft Outlook, On closing Outlook gives Unknown software exception

    had created shared add-in in microsoft visual studio .net 2005. default there no common language runtime(clr) support shared add-in. had explicitly give clr support changing project properties clr support. , using #pragma managed & #pragma unmanaged  in code use managed & unmanaged code in same application.
    when use add-in in microsoft outlook 2000 .net framework 2.0 installed on machine, works fine!!! when close application(ms outlook) throws application error "the exception unknown software exception(0xc0020001) occurred in application @ location 0x77e4bee7."
is there solution fix problem??? please suggest me...

thanks & regards,


it difficult you, because not provide information.
1. guess if exception thrown in ondisconnection method. note there several excel related functions crash excel in case of exception (including onidisconnection).
2. first time create addin, or did worked before [1]?
3. try addin powerpoint , excel (even if not want). experiance same problems? (some ms bugs[4] in word+excel bugs in outlook, in powerpoint).

i try accumulate tips on page:
do not forget post solution, if find yourself.

[1] if first time, code should small, try reduce 1 page , post it.
[4] did patch visual http://nielsvanvliet.com/excel.html#patch ?

.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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