SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER Default setting in SQLServer 2008


what default setting quoted_identifier in sqlserver 2008? checked model database , set false bol says default on. 1 of our delete statement failing , used work in sqlserver 2005. unfortunately, dont have 2005 edition anymore check , compare. idea default setting in sqlserver 2005?



  <<when set quoted_identifier on (default), strings delimited double quotation marks interpreted object identifiers. therefore, quoted identifiers not have follow transact-sql rules identifiers. can reserved keywords , can include characters not allowed in transact-sql identifiers. double quotation marks cannot used delimit literal string expressions; single quotation marks must used enclose literal strings. if single quotation mark (') part of literal string, can represented 2 single quotation marks ("). set quoted_identifier must on when reserved keywords used object names in database.>>


the problem here effective setting depends on many things. looking @ 1 thing (like database option) doesn't tell effective setting in end. here things can affect effective setting quoted identifiers:

  • database setting
  • set commands
  • what set command in effect when code modult created
  • what api used (more modern apis turn of this, remember, redering database level option totally meaningless)
  • what tool used connect (agent job, isql, osql, sqlcmd, etc). same reasoning above point.

the default database setting indeed off, have have pretty special cirumstances (see ablove) in end have behaviour of off.

tibor karaszi, sql server mvp | web | blog

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