Decimals not working when calling Oracle stored procedure

hi all

i have problem regarding decimals when calling oracle stored procedure. in order trouble shoot this, have created small biztalk 2013 solution mimics problem;

in solution have used "add generated items..." "consume adapter service" generate schemas , udt stored procedure in oracle uses complex type parameter. complex type has 3 fields in it, , 1 of them number(12,4).

in solution, biztalk received xml document 3 fields in it. 1 of them xs:decimal , there map transforms input-xml xml oracle connection. send port uses wcf-custom adapter oracledbbinding. 

i can see in tracking, xml send port sends contains this:


which looks fine me. stored procedure inserts value table , it's "45" instead of "4.5" inserted table :-( 

so couple of questions;

1. wcf-adapter oracledbbinding. assume works this; adapter receives xml , reads values it. creates connection oracle database , calls stored procedure right parameters. correct? or entire xml sent oracle parses xml , calls stored procedure? need figure out if adapter misreads value "4.5" or oracle misreads it.

2. thoughts may go wrong? xml has "4.5" inside it. somehow value 45 saved in oracle-table. , it's not stored procedure failing. exact same stored procedure used old biztalk 2009 installation , here works fine.

thanks in advance!

eliasen, representing himself , not company works for.
5 times mvp , 4 times mcts in biztalk.

the command built , executed against server local client.  works same sql server.

the first place in oracle.  possible somehow correct behavior?  if send 45.0, 450 end in table?  column type match parameter?

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server Adapters and Adapter Pack


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