Convert Excel Macro in to C#
have macro in excel calculates values, have implement technique used in macro in c# application.
tried understand macro haven't work in excel
can expert me convert following macro in c#.
sub singleln()
' singleln macro
k = 8
j = 35
'reset trial number , time
cells(4, j + 12).value = ""
cells(5, j + 12).value = ""
cells(6, j + 12).value = ""
cells(5, j + 12).value = now
trials = cells(4, j + 9).value
= 1 trials
cells(4, j + 12).value = i
cells(4, 5).value = (18 - 0.5) * rnd + 0.5
cells(5, 5).value = (4 - 0) * rnd + 0
cells(k + i, j + 1).value = cells(4, 5).value
cells(k + i, j + 2).value = cells(5, 5).value
cells(k + i, j + 9).value = cells(2, 21).value
cells(k + i, j + 10).value = i
solverok setcell:="$u$2", maxminval:=1, valueof:="0", bychange:= _
solveradd cellref:="$e$3", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$g$3", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$e$4", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$g$4", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$e$5", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$g$5", relation:=3, formulatext:="0"
solveradd cellref:="$e$3", relation:=1, formulatext:="1"
solveradd cellref:="$g$3", relation:=1, formulatext:="1"
solveroptions maxtime:=100, iterations:=1000, precision:=0.000001, assumelinear _
:=false, stepthru:=false, estimates:=1, derivatives:=1, searchoption:=1, _
inttolerance:=5, scaling:=false, convergence:=0.0001, assumenonneg:=true
solversolve userfinish:=true
solverfinish keepfinal:=1
result ="solver.xlam!solversolve", true)
' finish analysis "solver.xlam!solverfinish"
cells(k + i, j + 12).value = cells(4, 5).value
cells(k + i, j + 13).value = cells(5, 5).value
cells(k + i, j + 20).value = cells(2, 21).value
cells(k + i, j + 21).value = cells(5, 14).value
' report on success of analysis
'if result = 0 then
'cells(k + i, j + 22).value = "solution found, optimality , constraints satisfied"
'elseif result = 1 then
'cells(k + i, j + 22).value = "solution found, converged, constraints satisfied"
'elseif result = 2 then
'cells(k + i, j + 22).value = "solution found, cannot improve, constraints satisfied"
'elseif result = 3 then
'cells(k + i, j + 22).value = "solution found, stopped @ maximum iterations"
' result = 4, solver did not converge
' result = 5, no feasible solution
'cells(k + i, j + 22).value = "no solution"
'end if
cells(k + i, j + 22).value = result
next i
cells(6, j + 12).value = now
end sub
first need way open excel file code.
if need support .xlsx, can use open xml sdk. or ziparchive , xmlreader classes.
if need support older .xls format, way use office interop. wich invovles handling com libraries , needs office installed.
about remaking macro:
without understanding macro does, there no way replicate it. have @ least clear, human language explanation does? context used in?
might need ask excel specialist wth code doing. after know, can think coding in c#.
as far can tell actuall work not done macro. seems relay work application in line:
result ="solver.xlam!solversolve", true)
Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual C#
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