Special character found in Azure DW table via Azure Data factory load

hi experts , 

moving data on premise blob , blob azure dw using azure data factory

see surprise special character in of stirng field in azure dw table 
no such special charatcer exist on premise  

i checked adf give utf-8 default encoding because did not specify encoding while creating file on blob on premise table.
checked , found no such special character exist in csv file on blob .

below sample query , output , replicate , show issue facing ,and replacing special character show exist 

how resolve ?

select distinct
deptname ,
,replace(deptname ,char((13)),'^')
,len(deptname) lenofdeptcolumn 

hi rihan, 

is possible can share runid/time failure both copy on premises blob , blob dw? troubleshoot. 

on other side, if you're trying copy on premises dw, there's no need use 2 separate activities, can using 1 copy activity on premises sql dw. check link, section "staged copy using polybase". https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/data-factory-azure-sql-data-warehouse-connector/#use-polybase-to-load-data-into-azure-sql-data-warehouse 

what's more, can achieve these using web ui, check one: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/data-factory-copy-data-wizard-tutorial/


Microsoft Azure  >  Azure Data Factory


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