Removing methods calls off the stack in C#


how can remove method calls off stack of object in c#?

i set variable equal null object still executing code.

for example if have onc class calling method of other , calling other methods in class this:

class a

   private b var;

   void start()
      var = new b;
      var.runflag true;;

   void stop()
      var.runflag = false;
      var = null;


class b : idisposable
   public bool runflag = false;

   void run()
   void meth1()
   void meth2()
   void meth3()

   void dosomething()
   void dispose()
         // clean resources



then after call in stop() method of class a, b should garabage collected no matter control of execution is.  right or wrong.

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think i need explain you.  removing object off stack can done, not "forcing" gc pull off, "asking" it.  now, if gc determines right time pull object off, biding, if has not, won't it.  gc knowing, omni-present, greater-being.  can , ask, cannot command.


using system;

namespace unmanagedresourceobjlib
 public class ownsunmanagedresources : idisposable
  public ownsunmanagedresources()
   console.writeline("ownsunmanagedresources obj constructed");

   console.writeline("ownsunmanagedresources obj de-structed (finalize called)");

  void cleanup()
   console.writeline("ownsunmanagedresources obj cleanup occurred");

  public void close()

  #region idisposable members

  bool _disposed = false;
  public void dispose()
    this._disposed = true;
   console.writeline("ownsunmanagedresources obj disposed");  


  public void someotheroperation()
    throw new objectdisposedexception("ownsunmanagedresources");
   console.writeline("ownsunmanagedresources obj: someotheroperation");


using system;

namespace funwithgc
 class app
  static void usesobj()
#if evil
   unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources obj = new unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources();

//   obj.dispose();
//   obj.dispose();
   // obj out of scope
   using(unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources obj = new unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources())
    using(unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources obj2 = new unmanagedresourceobjlib.ownsunmanagedresources())

  static void main()
   console.writeline("main started");
   console.writeline("usesobj method called");
   console.writeline("usesobj method returned");
   console.writeline("main terminating");


reference unmanagedresourceobject funwithgc.  understand how gc destroys object , takes off stack.

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