Lync compared to OCS


i have application has been running fine ocs. made trusted pools , applications application use lync.

the basic idea on sw send pure im messages 1 many users. fe's trace can see following warning:
severity: warning
text: message or 1 of headers caused sip transaction processing error
result-code: 0xc3e93c09 pe_e_transaction_does_not_exist
sip-start-line: ack sip/2.0

of course not have source code, rings bell anybody?

before above message there also:
start-line: sip/2.0 401 unauthorized

but in mind should not problem because have set "treatasauthenticated : true" application pool.

any hopes software work lync?


i suggest doing search on web text 'pe_e_transaction_does_not_exist'. example, here's forum thread w bunch of discussion diagnosis, tools, possible culprits among different lync components...

Lync Server  ,  Unified Communications  >  Microsoft Lync Server SDK and Office Communications Server SDK


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