How can i pass over access denied directory or file when searching in files ?

using system;  using system.collections.generic;  using system.componentmodel;  using;  using system.drawing;  using system.linq;  using system.text;  using system.threading.tasks;  using;  using;  using;  using;    namespace search_text_in_files  {      public partial class form1 : form      {          streamwriter w = new streamwriter(@"e:\textresults.txt");            public form1()          {              initializecomponent();                findlines(@"e:\", "green");          }            public list<string> findlines(string dirname, string texttosearch)          {              int counter = 0;              list<string> findlines = new list<string>();              directoryinfo di = new directoryinfo(dirname);              if (di != null && di.exists)              {                  if (checkfileforaccess(dirname) == true)                  {                      foreach (fileinfo fi in di.enumeratefiles("*", searchoption.alldirectories))                      {                          if (, ".cs", true) == 0)                          {                              using (streamreader sr = fi.opentext())                              {                                  string s = "";                                  while ((s = sr.readline()) != null)                                  {                                      if (s.contains(texttosearch))                                      {                                          counter++;                                          findlines.add(s);                                          listview1.items.add(;                                          w.writeline("file name: " +;                                          w.writeline("file name line: " + s);                                          w.writeline(" ");                                      }                                  }                              }                          }                      }                  }                  w.close();              }              return findlines;          }            private bool checkforaccess(string pathname)          {              if (file.exists(pathname) == true)                  return checkfileforaccess(pathname);                if (directory.exists(pathname) == true)                  return checkfolderforaccess(pathname);                return false;          }              private bool checkfileforaccess(string filename)          {              filesecurity fs = new filesecurity(filename, accesscontrolsections.access);              if (fs == null)                  return false;                authorizationrulecollection theserules = fs.getaccessrules(true, true, typeof(ntaccount));              if (theserules == null)                  return false;                return checkacl(theserules);          }            private bool checkfolderforaccess(string foldername)          {              directoryinfo di = new directoryinfo(foldername);              if (di == null)                  return false;                directorysecurity acl = di.getaccesscontrol(accesscontrolsections.access);              if (acl == null)                  return false;                authorizationrulecollection theserules = acl.getaccessrules(true, true, typeof(ntaccount));              if (theserules == null)                  return false;                return checkacl(theserules);          }            private bool checkacl(authorizationrulecollection theserules)          {              foreach (filesystemaccessrule thisrule in theserules)              {                  if ((thisrule.filesystemrights & ==                  {                      if (thisrule.accesscontroltype == accesscontroltype.deny)                          return false;                  }                  // run many other checks              }                return true;          }            private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)          {            }      }  }  

the problem how check access sub directories , files ? it's checking main directory dirname

but i'm getting access denied exception on directory on sub directory when it's getting line:

foreach (fileinfo fi in di.enumeratefiles("*", searchoption.alldirectories))

hi chocolade,

it's because using directoryinfo.enumeratefiles() needs security rights info. instead try using directory.getfilesystementries(); string of each file/folder , check access before getting info. 

does above resolve issue?  for more information, please refer how can pass on directory or file access denied when searching?

best regards,


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